Saturday, July 11, 2009

Court postponed.

After everything i realised alot of things.I love my mother alotalots.Thanks for being there for me when im in my worst mood ever.And choudajing,although when im down your not here but i know if you are not in,you will be there for sure!So kosipei think positively,dont give up so easily yeah!Dajing,iloveyou&Imissyou&Ineedyou.<3

And also i thanks those who was there for me too like joy and lynn?Today met up with xiaobaby sister at her house early in the morning with joy.Although,i knew we drifted alot but peipei always love you alrights!No matter what conflicts we will be having,you will never be forgotten.And today,for so long since i hugged felicia tham!<3
Yeah,i promise no matter what,you will never be forgotten alrights!Yeah,i knew you feel the last time peipei is not there anymore..And yeah,im not that cheerful want anymore,but i still love you mahs!Loves(:

Joyjoy,thanks alot for being there alright.Really,i appreciate it alot for how you helped me with talking to my mum.And everything you done for me,how you never given up on me!Thanks alot sister,really.I dont know how to express my thank-fulness but really iloveyou!<3
Lynn chang,thanks for you helping me talk to my mum too alright!And all this while when you were there for me,thanks alot!I love your laas!

When im in my worst mood,at least im not alone.
Thanks everyone!For your,for myself or even for my boyfriend i promise i will try my best to be strong yeahs!

Buck up kosipei!I know you can(:Think for those who really care,they aint giving up so promise them dont disappoint them yeah.I really had alot to say,cannot finish luhs too much to say already.

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